Churros are one of the tastiest fried treats. If you’ve been to Spain or France on holiday, or even a continental market or fair you are likely to have encountered these. Made from a choux pastry base they are then piped into a deep fryer and cooked until golden brown. Then dusted with cinnamon sugar. Is your mouth watering yet?
For this recipe we used our new Sage Appliances Smart Fryer. We love how accurate it is with temperature settings which is perfect for fried treats. You dont want to burn these. That would be a terrible waste. This recipe requires an oil temperature of 190c. The Smart Fryer reaches this temperature with its smart technology it slightly overshoots this temperature before you place the churros into the oil, anticipating the temperature will drop slightly from the cooler pastry.
The Ingredients:
500ml Water
5tbsp Caster Sugar
1tsp Salt
4tbsp Vegetable Oil
250g NEILL’S® Plain Flour
150g Caster Sugar
2tbsp Ground Cinnamon
Recommended Equipment:
Salter Heston Precision Dual Platform Scales

The How-To:
In a small saucepan combine the water, 5tbsp caster sugar, salt and oil.
Bring to the boil.
Remove from the heat.
Stir in the flour until the mixture is smooth and creates a ball of pastry.
Heat your fryer oil to 190c.
Transfer your pastry mixture into a piping bag with a open star nozzle (or something similar).
A top tip here is to fold the end of the piping bag over several times. This reinforces the opening of the bag helping you fill it.
Massage the bag slightly to remove any air bubbles as you push the pastry down to the nozzle.
When your oil has reached 190c very carefully pipe the churros into the oil by holding the piping bag at least 15cm above the surface of the oil allowing the churros to slowly drop into the oil.
Pipe churros about 15-20cm long or whatever size best suits your fryer basket size. Cook your churros for a few minutes until golden and crispy. Remove and drain on tissue paper.
Mix the 150g of caster sugar and 2tbsp of ground cinnamon in a shallow bowl. Toss the churros in this cinnamon sugar while they are still warm. Transfer to a cooling rack to cool slightly.
Delicious when eaten still warm. Serve with a chocolate dip or simply eat as they are.
You’re Done!